L系列氮气弹簧厂家/L系列氮气弹簧价格 ME series 这个系列是UN改进型号,产品体积比UN系列小,可以提供与UN系列相同压力。这个系列产品可以维修,同时可以按照客户提供需求进行调整压力。注:用户不能选择**过目录标注压力。 This series of products is improved UN type. The products have a volume smaller than UN series and provide pressure same as UN series. These products can be repaired, and meanwhile allowed pressure adjustment according to customer demand. Note: users must not choose a pressure higher than the one indicated in catalogue. 深圳市吉梯科技|||L系列氮气弹簧厂家/L系列氮气弹簧价格