90.10系列ISO标准氮气弹簧规格_深圳TU互换ISO标准氮气弹簧厂家 UN series 这个系列是世界**种氮气弹簧型号,所有尺寸都符合ISO11901氮气弹簧标准。这个系列产品可以维修,同时可以按照客户提供的需求进行调整压力。注:用户不能选择**过目录标注压力。 This series is the first nitrogen spring type in the world and all dimensions are in accordance with ISO11901 nitrogen spring standard. These products can be repaired, and meanwhile allowed pressure adjustment according to customer demand. Note: users must not choose a pressure higher than the one indicated in catalogue. 深圳市吉梯科技///90.10系列ISO标准氮气弹簧规格_深圳TU互换ISO标准氮气弹簧厂家